Products from free*spee

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24 h
Finally a good solution to reduce the risks involved in tree landings! With the rescue line on reel it is easy to lift up rescue material to the pilot and it really facilitates the work of the rescue party. By the way, paragliders in...
11.90€ *
24 h
The free*spee "Safe-Tree Belt" helps you to secure yourself to the tree within seconds of the landing. Quick and easy protection for tree landings!
32.90€ *
24 h
- 17%
24 h
Der free*spee OX bietet Dir mittels eines gut durchdachten Systems die perfekte Kombination aus Leichtigkeit und Justierbarkeit.
24.90€ * UVP 29.90€ *
24 h
The free*spee rescue line with alarm whistle comes with an extra loud, widely hearable alarm whistle at the end instead of the usual lead weight.It will alert a rescue party to your location, even over a large distance.
14.90€ *
24 h
This is the variant of tree protection recommended by the DHV. The two additional webbing slings allow you to secure yourself to the tree without straining the carabiners.
48.90€ *
24 h
Always at hand: Everything you need in an emergency in a compact bag. First-aid kit, lifeline with loud signal whistle and tree safety device.
71.90€ *
- 24%
24 h
The free*spee XC-3 Speed System offers maximum performance at minimum weight. Reliable technology as well all first-class materials are setting standards.
49.90€ * UVP 65.90€ *
- 17%
24 h
The Free*Spee 3.0 Speed System allows you to adjust your accelerator optimally at any time. The Free*Spee uses a clamp, enabling it to be easily adjusted in flight. This can be done using only one hand, so that the steering lines to not...
49.90€ * UVP 59.90€ *
- 10%
Der free*spee OX bietet Dir mittels eines gut durchdachten Systems die perfekte Kombination aus Leichtigkeit und Justierbarkeit. Wahlweise 1 oder 2 stufig.
44.90€ * UVP 49.90€ *
- 8%
Die reduzierte Variante bietet dir die Möglichkeit die Sprosse ein bestehendes Beschleunigersystem einzubauen.
22.90€ * UVP 24.90€ *
24 h
This first-aid kit is perfect for any hike & fly adventure, waterproof bag made of lightweight paraglider fabric with whistle and lanyard.
25.90€ *
- 9%
24 h
The free*spee XC 23 Speed System offers maximum performance at minimum weight. Reliable technology as well all first-class materials are setting standards.
59.90€ * UVP 65.90€ *